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How to Make Yummy Moussaka

Moussaka. Here is a great recipe for moussaka, a Greek dish. It includes sliced eggplant baked in a ground beef sauce and then smothered in a thin white sauce. The wonderful Akis Petretzikis has a fantastic moussaka recipe using baked vegetables instead of fried to make it that little bit lighter.

Moussaka Greek Moussaka recipe - A delicious taste of Greece. To prepare a traditional Greek Moussaka recipe, luscious layers of juicy beef mince (or lamb) are cooked in a tomato based sauce, layered with. Moussaka is to the Eastern Mediterranean what lasagna is to Italy: A very rich, special casserole that is perfect for The best way to make moussaka is in steps. You can cook Moussaka using 14 ingredients and 8 steps. Here is how you achieve that.

Ingredients of Moussaka

  1. It's of d’aubergines.
  2. Prepare of tomates.
  3. You need of bœuf haché.
  4. You need of d’ail.
  5. You need of Thym.
  6. You need of Laurier.
  7. Prepare of œufs.
  8. You need of skyr.
  9. It's of feta.
  10. It's of parmesan râpé.
  11. You need of Noix de muscade.
  12. You need of Sel.
  13. You need of Poivre.
  14. Prepare of oignon.

Start with the meat sauce, and while that is. Moussaka, undoubtedly one of the most well known classic Greek recipes, is My Greek moussaka is aubergine based, and one which I make with a yogurt based topping for a slightly lighter Moussaka. Moussaka is a traditional dish of baked sliced aubergines with a tomato and meat (usually lamb) sauce and an egg-enriched béchamel topping. It's most commonly associated with Greece.

Moussaka step by step

  1. Couper 600 g aubergines en rondelles d’environ 1 cm d’épaisseur, les saler puis les laisser reposer pendant 1 heure. Ensuite rincez-les à l’eau puis les cuire 30 minutes dans une poêle..
  2. Émincer un oignon, le faire revenir avec un peu d’huile dans une sauteuse..
  3. Peler et concasser 600g de tomates (ici les tomates jaunes du jardin).
  4. Faire revenir 350g de viande de bœuf hachée dans la sauteuse, ajouter 2 gousses d’ail ainsi que du thym et du laurier. Ajouter les tomates concassées et une cuillère à soupe de farine, saler et poivrer. Puis laisser mijoter pendant 1/2h à feu moyen..
  5. Préparation de la sauce: mélanger 2 œufs - 140g de skyr - 25 g de feta - 50g de parmesan - noix de muscade - sel et poivre.
  6. Faire le montage : 1 couche d’aubergines, la viande, 1 couche d’aubergines et la sauce par dessus..
  7. Enfourner à 180° pendant 35 min.
  8. Bon appétit !.

Moussaka by Greek chef Akis Petretzikis! It is usually followed when someone is allergic to nuts. How to make an easy Greek moussaka - the ultimate guide! Layer up roasted eggplant, meat sauce and bechamel for a Greek taverna experience in your own home. This delicious lamb moussaka recipe from the Hairy Bikers provides a wonderful meal for a family occasion.

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